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Old_e last won the day on December 16 2022

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  1. Is Don Bosco Prep a top 100 team nationally?
  2. There it is. Baller Alert!
  3. Capped off an undefeated season.
  4. It be nice if Milton can revisit Cali and play one of the top programs.
  5. Well, you should come and witness it first hand.
  6. Oh boy, here we go again.
  7. From what I saw last Friday at the MV vs Cen10 game, Cen10 would need to play a perfect game to get pass the Monarchs. Cen10 is good and they have improved from weeks 1 and 2. But MD is on another level.
  8. I noticed calpreps doesn't indicate the game locations for the playoffs.
  9. That is correct. The ball never touched the ground. Great back and forth game.
  10. That could be bad news for MV. This is a different Cent10 from week one and 2.
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