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Hsfbfan last won the day on August 14 2023

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  1. Maybe Joe's can hire the SHP coach or the delby coach.
  2. NJ will never be elite. NJ parents want kids who focus on being healthy and junk. Real teams have big kids and very athletic kids. There's a reason Northeast college football isn't relevant. Needs kids who can't read but can run really really fast and who can push people around
  3. Always be the tallest midget. Harder to get shit on
  4. The powerhouse schools don't want to hear that. They is a standard and he wasn't living up to it
  5. Has been fired by Michigan. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/38920463/michigan-fires-linebackers-coach-chris-partridge%3fplatform=amp
  6. What expectations? To bear SHP shouldn't be an unrealistic expectation. To lose back to back years to a program like shp shouldn't be acceptable for a program like sjr dbp and bc
  7. Wow. I guess that loss to SHP really was too much for him to keep his job
  8. He changed the whole landscape of NJ. He went to PC and took his friends there with him and created the whole Ray Lewis esque atmosphere. The smoke the entrance dance. And than he marketed the co-ed nature of the school. Like it has been said nobody really cares where you go to HS. If you get that scholarship that's the ultimate goal. You can pay the tuition at bosco and go to college and the next kid to you went to the local public school.
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