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generic last won the day on April 13

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  1. this schmuck. didn't recall seeing a single negative response to this hire and he goes and posts this not more than an hour after announcing it. he and Plaschke at the Times are both a couple of hacks
  2. serious new WR transfer to MD https://247sports.com/player/chris-henry-jr-46133004/
  3. Maybe a re-classed Juju transfer? https://x.com/JuJuLewis10/status/1744958907137622186
  4. #1 2018 Bosco #2 2018 IMG #3 2022 Gorman #4 2019 Bosco #5 2019 St. Frances #6 2021 Servite #7 2016 Bosco #8 2022 Bosco #9 2017 Bosco #10 2023 Bosco #11 2021 Centennial #12 2018 De La Salle #13 2019 St. John's #14 2017 Gorman #15 2023 Centennial
  5. there's not another school I love seeing lose to a Trinity team more than Poly. outside of Mission, of course.
  6. Md Bosco the only game. Everyone else in America should reschedule their games to Thursday or Saturday.
  7. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/sports/st-frances-academy-football-messay-hailemariam-4OHNZPSVYFH2XNUFAOJE3LZFKA/
  8. there's absolutely financial aid. and it's extended to ALL students that demonstrate a need, not just athletes. and it might be hard to believe, but yes, a lot of these kids can foot the full tuition. don't have to be poor to be athletic. a lot of these kids have been going to private coaching for years. are the private coaches giving scholarships too?
  9. actually we could use a kicker. so if you know anyone...
  10. ah yes the IMG West article. that year had a lot of transfers (Bryce being one of them). it's not like that now. this year's team started completely from the freshman class. the youth pipeline is so insanely strong you'd have to be an idiot to transfer into MD these days.
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