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1Since71 last won the day on July 13 2022

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  1. He doesn’t have any real criteria besides his belief that non conformity sells.Judging by the lack of traffic over here he’s wrong again
  2. I wouldn’t put Centennial in the top 20 or Sierra Canyon
  3. LBP doesn’t belong in anyone’s top 50 lol
  4. Another 5 turnover game for centennial.They are just sloppy with the ball
  5. un·forced /ˌənˈfôrst/ adjective not produced by effort; natural. "an unforced cheerfulness" not compelled or constrained. "his retirement was an unforced departure"
  6. Right there out the top 25 I agree.That game wouldn’t have been close without 4-5 turnovers from Centennial proving my point
  7. But Punahou is(doesn’t belong in any rational top 25) and who’s talking about Cibolo Steele good lord lol
  8. Nope.This Centennial team turns the ball over at a high rate.Their defense is never a strong suit.I can name 3-5 Publics in Texas alone that could possibly beat them
  9. Calpreps has rated their first 50 top of the mountain 4 straight years
  10. Centennial and Serra don’t belong in top 25
  11. Texas is the deepest state.Anyone paying attention would know that.However they don’t have anyone who’s beating the MD,BG and SJB of the world
  12. And people should believe your truth because……….?
  13. A guy who vehemently denies being on drugs is probably on drugs lol.Why do you care anymore? Nobody else does
  14. Like I said 5/6 super teams that are an anomaly in regards to the 14,000 HS that play football.Dont get me wrong these teams are entertaining to watch but trying to crap on Texas because of them is ridiculous
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